Hunter’s Pistol, Smallbore Rifle and Cowboy Lever Action Silhouette Tournament
Scoped and Open Sights
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Chuluota Sportsmen’s Club
1447 Willingham Rd
Chuluota, FL 32766
Dates of Competition:
2nd Sunday of every month (excluding June, July and August)
Entry Fee:
$5.00 per relay. First-time shooters — the first round is free.
Begins at 8:45am day of the Match.
Competition is Open to:
Anyone over 10 years of age. Youth shooter (10 to 18 years Old) must be supervised by an adult while on the firing line. You do not have to be a member of the club, but guest Shooters are required to obtain and read a copy of the range rules, before handling any firearms on the premises. (Range rules are posted at the range.)
For NRA recognition and classification you will need to register on the link below. This is not required to participate.
Competitor Registration:
Classification Check:
Current N.R.A. Silhouette rules apply; complete rules are available at:
Pistol: (Hunters Pistol, Hunters Pistol metallic sights, Smallbore Hunters Pistol, Smallbore Hunters Pistol metallic sights)
Rifle: (Smallbore Rifle, Lever Action)
All the CSC range safety rules apply.
Additionally, no ‘hot’ loads that may damage the silhouette targets are allowed.
Match Conditions:
The course of fire consists of ten shots each at chickens at 40 meters, Pigs at 50 meters, Turkeys at 75 meters and Rams at 100 meters. Two 40-shot relays are run for the ‘Hunters pistol’ match, and one relay for the ‘Smallbore Rifle’ and ‘Cowboy Lever Action’ match. Setup starts at 8:00 AM, registration at 8:45 AM, short practice session starts at 9:00 AM, pistol match begins by 9:15, rifles begin usually by 12:00 PM, and cleanup ends by 2 pm.
There are five silhouettes of an animal in a bank of targets. A starting bank is assigned to each competitor. Upon the “Ready” command, competitors have 30 seconds to load or adjust firearms only. The “Fire” command follows, at which point the competitors have two minutes for five shots, starting left to right, one shot per target. When two minutes expires, “Cease Fire” is called, at which point competitors make the firearm safe, insert the chamber flag, step back from the line and mark their score. After the range is made ‘cold’ the competitors reset targets. The process is repeated for the next five shots. After resetting targets the competitors rotate to the next animal silhouette for the next ten shots, repeating until the entire 40-shot relay is complete.
Shots are taken from the standing, also known as ‘offhand’ position. No artificial support is allowed. Additionally for the ‘Hunters pistol’ event, arms may not be supported by the body in any way.
Hunters Pistol and Cowboy Lever Action Targets:
Smallbore Rifle Targets:
Types of firearms and calibers allowed are listed in the rule book, those typically used are listed below:
Hunter’s Pistol:
- Thompson Contender 22LR, 22 Hornet, 38Spl.
- Ruger Mark II,III,IV 22LR.
- Browning Buckmark 22LR
- Revolver, various 22LR, 38Spl
Smallbore Rifle:
- Various 22LR scoped, shooting the small targets for official score
- Any 22 LR, shooting the large targets for unofficial score
Cowboy Lever Action:
- Various (Henry, Marlin, etc.) — iron sights only, 22LR or straight wall pistol cartridges such as, 38Spl, 357Mag, 44Mag. (no hot loads that may damage targets are allowed).