Safety is a priority at CSC
A Range Safety Officer is present during all range hours to ensure the safe and proper use of the facility.
Our goal is to provide our members with a safe and enjoyable shooting experience.
We ask that all members and visitors follow all range rules and procedures. Please familiarize yourself with our range rules and best practices for handling firearms:

Consult a Range Safety Officer if you have any questions about the rules. The Range Safety Officer has final say on all range issues.
General Rules
- Shooting hours are 9:00 a.m. until 15 min prior to closing, posted on the front gate and web site.
- Membership & Guest cards must be worn visibility at all times while on club property.
- Minors’ liability release must be signed by parent or legal guardian.
- Never lend your membership card or disclose the gate combination to anyone.
- Upon entering the property all members and guests must check‐in with the Range Safety Officer and show a photo ID before removing any ammunition, magazines or firearms from your transportation.
- Members are allowed a maximum of two guests per visit and must supervise their guests at all times.
- Members are responsible for all damage done by themselves and/or their guests while on club property.
- No alcoholic beverages or containers are allowed on club property.
- Members & guest are not allowed on club property that are under the influence (or appearance) of alcohol, medication or any substance that is known to diminish or impair mental or physical abilities.
- POLICE UP YOUR BRASS AND TARGETS DURING COLD PERIODS AND AT THE END OF SHOOTING. FIVE GALLON BUCKETS ARE FOR BRASS ONLY. Larger trash cans can be used for smaller items. Please place all large items, plinking targets, food and soft drink cans directly in the dumpster to avoid ant and pest issues.
Firing Line Rules
- Green blinking lights indicate a “COLD” range. Range is HOT only when RSO announces it’s HOT, rings the bell and lights are off. A bell indicates change of status. Only the Range Safety Officer may change range status to HOT or COLD. Anyone can call out “CEASE FIRE – CEASE FIRE – CEASE FIRE” for an unsafe condition.
- No handling of firearms (cased or uncased), magazines, clips or ammunition while the range is COLD. This includes carrying firearms between the car and the firing line, trap field and especially when moving from one shooting station to another.
- All cased firearms must be uncased by placing them on the firing line tables with the barrel pointing safely downrange before uncasing them.
- All firearms must be SAFE except when actively in use while shooting.
- SAFE firearms are those that have the magazine removed, all shells removed, actions/cylinder/slides locked open, and a highly visible chamber flag installed “in the chamber”.
- Firearms not in the hands of the operator must be SAFE.
- Firearms must be pointed down range in a safe direction at all times.
- Eye and hearing protection must be worn at all times while on the firing line.
- All rifle and pistol shooting ONLY from the covered firing line, when between red & yellow lines, end of the barrel over RED line.
- Shotgun and Archery shooting are confined to designated areas only. Check with Range Safety Officer before shooting. Trap area single launcher must be on small concrete pad and shooter position station 1.
- Never shoot wooden or metal target support frames, posts or eyebrows (or mount your targets there).
- No cross lane shooting. Always shoot perpendicular to firing line/berm.
- ALL BULLETS MUST IMPACT THE DIRT BERMS – Bullets must not hit the ground in front of berms.
- No rapid firing. There must be 3 seconds between each shot.
- Double Tap or Point Shooting practice is allowed, but must be done safely and responsibly. The RSO must be notified and approval given prior to the practice. The shooter’s ability will be observed, and continued practice will be at the sole discretion of Range Safety Officer. You MUST wait 3 seconds between each shot or double tap.
- No combat or quick draw practice. No shooting from (or wearing of) holsters on the firing line.
- Prone shooting is allowed given RSO approval, experience shooter/sling/matt are required.
- Only uniformed law enforcement officers and RSOs (while on duty) may open carry holstered firearms on club property. Officers and Directors when acting in an official capacity may carry firearms.
- All targets must be approved by Range Safety Officer. No glass or metal tank targets may be used.
- All metal targets must be placed more than 40 meters from the firing line. This is to prevent return ricochet.
- No ALCOHOLIC beverage containers may be used as targets.
- No horizontal or vertical spinning (target above the center pivot point) metal targets may be used.
- No exploding or incendiary targets may be used.
- Targets must be placed in such a way that the shooter is able to see 12” inches of berm on all sides of the target.
- Targets must be hung or setup away from target support frames and posts to prevent damage.
- Shotguns may only be shot and patterned on the designated 25 yard dirt berm. No CSC targets or target boards may be shot at.
Firearms & Ammunition
- NFA Title II firearms or accessories
– ALLOWED-SuppressorsandShortBarreledRifles(SBR)
– NOT ALLOWED – automatic or auto‐burst firearms, including bump stocks. - No Shotgun barrels shorter than 18 inches allowed on the range.
- Shotguns of Mossberg Shockwave type are allowed. They must be shot at the berm only or personal targets approved by the On Duty RSO.
- No Shotgun barrels shorter than 22 inches allowed on the trap field, except for youth Shotguns used by young shooters.
- Shotgun Shot size must be 71⁄2 or higher (71⁄2, 8 or 9) for trap or when used with the portable clay target thrower.
- Excessively heavy or loud loads may be restricted per Range Safety Officers discretion.
- No Armor Piercing (AP) bullets or tracer rounds allowed on range.
- No Steel – Core Ammo to be Shot at the ANY steel targets/gongs. Use the magnets to check your ammo.
- Pistols and revolvers must have a 5 inch or longer barrel for the 100 and 75 meter ranges.
The Fundamental NRA Rules for Safe Gun Handling Are:
- Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
- Always keep you finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
- Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.
When Using or Storing a Gun, Always Follow These NRA Rules:
- Know your target and what is beyond.
- Know how to use the gun safely.
- Be sure the gun is safe to operate.
- Use only the correct ammunition for your gun.
- Wear eye and ear protection as appropriate.
- Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting.
- Store guns so they are not accessible to unauthorized persons.
- Be aware that certain types of guns and many shooting activities require additional safety precautions.
Consult a Range Safety Officer if you have any questions about the rules.
Whether you are a brand new shooter or a seasoned pro, always keep the basic rules of gun safety in mind.
- Every gun is always loaded. Even if you “know” the gun is not loaded, treat it as if it were, because the consequences of being mistaken can be huge. It is a good practice, where practical, to keep the action of an “empty” firearm open. This allows all to easily determine for themselves that the firearms is not loaded and ready to fire. Many modern arms will lock the action open when the last round is fired. When carrying a break-action shotgun, it is a good practice to carry it “broken” whenever practical.
- Never point a gun at anything you don’t intend to shoot. That means that even when carrying or holding a gun, you should always keep it pointed up (preferred) or down. NEVER let the barrel of a gun cross the body of another person, even for an instant. It is dangerous, threatening, rude and careless.
- Keep your finger outside the trigger until ready to shoot.
- If you are not preparing to shoot, keep your gun ON SAFE (but do not rely upon the safety – safeties sometimes fail.)
- Be sure of your target. This is especially important when hunting.
- Be aware of what is behind your target. Think about it this way: If your bullet goes through the target, or you miss the target, where might your bullet wind up? The maximum range for some commonly-used hand guns is in excess of 5000 feet and many rifles have maximum ranges in excess of 3 miles. A .30-06 boat-tail bullet can travel 17,000 feet and arrive with a force of impact in excess of 100 ft-pounds. (This compares to a standard .22 long-rifle force at the muzzle of 117 foot-pounds or half the force of a .38 special at 50 yards.)
- Be aware of the composition of your target, especially at close range. Bullets may ricochet off hard surfaces. (At supersonic velocities, water can be a “hard surface.”)
- Use eye and ear protection when shooting. (Note: Use of both eye and ear protection is mandatory at the CSC range.)
- If you pull the trigger and your gun does not fire, do not assume that it won’t fire. In rare instances, the chemical reaction that takes place within the primer may be delayed. Do not open the breach of a firearm that has misfired until you count at least 10. As always, keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction.
- Before shooting, it is a good idea to briefly inspect your firearm to ensure it is in good order. A barrel obstruction can be catastrophic in most firearms, causing extensive damage to the firearm and possible injury to the shooter. If your gun has been stored for a period of time, recently cleaned or out of your control for any reason, it’s a good idea to check to make sure the barrel is clear of obstructions. [Note: One common type of failure happens when a 20-gauge shell is loaded into a 12-gauge shotgun. The 20-gauge shell will drop through the chamber and come to rest in the bore. A 12-gauge shell can then chamber behind the trapped shell, producing a heavy obstruction which may add to barrel pressure by discharging as well.]